Friday, September 26, 2008

My Approach to Cooking

Hi. I'm Anth. EK and I have been talking about starting this blog 4-ever. It was left up to EK to take the initiative because I can sometimes be quite lazy. I am super excited to have this little forum. Even though its only readers will be myself and EK.

I love cooking. It is about as creative as I get. I like taking basic foodstuffs and combining them into something delicious and satisfying. It makes me happy when people enjoy the food I make for them.* My contributions to this blog will reflect my current cooking interests: hearty soups and stews, crockpot dinners, breads, frugal cooking, and delicious desserts and treats.

As I get more confident in my cooking ability, I find myself experimenting more. I am getting more comfortable substituting ingredients or not following a recipe too closely if I just don't feel like it. I can also be a bit of a food snob. For instance, the taste of real Parmesan is five hundred times superior to that Kraft junk. I've phased Kraft Parmesan right out of my life. It's worth it to me to spend a little more for something that tastes a lot better.

*This is why, oddly enough, my father-in-law is very fun to cook for. He really enjoys his food.


Last week my husband complained because there was no Basmati rice to go with the Tandoori chicken, just regular white rice.

He complained about a lack of Basmati. I didn't know he even knew what that was.

I have turned my husband into a foodie! My evil plan is a success!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Getting Started

My friend Anth and I will share our love of food. We love to create fabulous dishes for our family and Friends. I am EK and I mostly in the business feeding my four kids and one husband. I love to have family and friends over. I do like to dabble in Jell-o from time to time. I am a big fan of simple and easy recipes that taste delicious. One of my goals is to learn how to decorate cakes. Anth and I both own KitchenAids which have become members of the family. I will let Anth introduce herself later but you should know she is the creative and more outgoing one when it comes to cooking. And for some odd reason her cookies always turn out better than mine.

We are excited to share our experiences and look forward to your comments and critiques.